Blender 2.83.12 LTS release
The Blender 2.83.12 LTS release is enabled for downloading on the official Blender site.
The Blender 2.83.12 LTS release is enabled for downloading on the official Blender site.
Since Blender 2.80 the deselect all function – complete deselection of all objects or geometry – has been switched from a single press of the “a” key to a double “a-a” or a combination of “alt+a” keycodes. To return the deselection function to a single “a” press, we can edit the settings of the selection operators. Or, since Blender 2.81, a special checkbox is provided for this in the keyboard shortcuts settings.
Now the selection of all objects/geometry and their total deselection will be performed by pressing the single “a” key.
“Save Selected” – Blender 3D add-on that allows saving selected objects in the scene into a separate *.blend file.
To improve the speed and convenience of developing Blender add-ons with Microsoft Visual Studio Code, this IDE can show the code auto-completion for common Blender API types.
This way of adding autocomplete is by Zen3515.
Blender 2.92 beta and Blender 2.93 alpha become available for download in daily builds on the Blender official site.
Detailed time-lapse about creating a procedural cup of coffee with a donut in Blender using the only Shader Editor nodes. The three-dimensionality of objects is achieved through the use of vector displacement.
Author: Erindale Woodford
Blender add-on “Neoner” updated to v. 1.1.2.
Every time switching to a new Blender version, add-on developers face the problem of updating the Python API. In order for add-ons to work correctly with the newest version of the API, developers need to make the necessary updates to their code.
To check the changes of the new Python API version, you need:
How to check the last changes in the Blender Python APIRead More »