Add-on Mesh-Int v.1.1.
Blender add-on Mesh-Int v.1.1 updates.
- Added:
- Select the whole parent chain of the active object
- Select the whole children chain of the active object
Blender add-on Mesh-Int v.1.1 updates.
Blender add-on with some extended functionality for working with Meshes.
The add-on is open source. If you want to donate – you can buy the add-on for a convenient price, or set the price to 0 to download it for free.
State switches so-called “radio buttons” are used in the case to limit the choice by one value from several available ones. There are a lot of such buttons in the Blender interface, for example, switching between RGB and BW rendering modes or setting the texture mapping mode. Such buttons can be created in the Blender add-ons interface too.
Let’s create our own radio button switcher.
Creating radio buttons in the Blender add-ons interfaceRead More »
Every 3D-artist knows that the workplace is always less. The larger monitor, the larger available workspace on it – the work is more convenient and faster. Blender allows winning some extra space on the screen, hiding the window title, which is still not useful.
The key combination:
alt + F11
allows to hide the Blender window title and expand the work area to the entire monitor. Pressing this key combination again returns Blender to its original state.
Blender 2.79a Release Candidate is available for download on the Blender official site.
The current release contains over 200 bugfixes.
Blender add-on TimeMe v.1.1.0 update.
During the image rendering in Blender, it is impossible to do anything else, the computer is strong “brakes”. Blender takes all available computing power without leaving almost nothing to other applications.
In order to run render in Blender with a low priority, so that it does not fill the entire computer and is guaranteed not to slow down the other programs work, you need:
1 |
start "" /LOW /MIN /B /D "_path_to_blender_directory_" "_full_path_to_blender_" -b _path_to_blend_file_ -f X -t X1 |
parameters used :
1 |
start "" /LOW /MIN /B /D "C:\Program Files\blender\" "c:\Program Files\blender\blender.exe" -b d:\Blender\_TestScenes\TestScene001.blend -f 1 -t 4 |
1 |
nice -n 20 blender -b _path_to_blend_file_ -f X -t X1 |
used parameters:
1 |
nice -n 20 blender -b /tmp/_TestScenes/TestScene001.blend -f 1 -t 4 |
BIS (Blender Interplanety Storage) add-on update to v.1.1.0.
The generated preview looks like this:
The update only applies to the server side of the add-on. You do not need to reinstall or update the installed add-on in Blender.
For the correct preview autogeneration, the saved node group must be fully procedural (without using textures, textures are not stored on the server) and have an output named “Shader” or “BSDF” for shader node groups or “Color” or “Factor” for color node groups. The “Displacement” output, if it is in the node group, is also used. To have proper texture coordinates on the preview, the node group must have a “Vector” input.