Blender 3D
Stock artist scheduler / calendar
Stock artist scheduler is a service that can be useful for artists who draw images or model 3D for sale on stock sites such as Shutterstock and others.
It’s not secret that the sale of a content dedicated to some famous event or celebration significantly increases shortly before the event date. Which is quite understandable – designers require more new content corresponding to the upcoming event than other times. Therefore creating Christmas toys for selling on stock sites is much more profitable shortly before the New Year holiday, and spacecraft – shortly before the Astronautics Day.
The Stock artist schedule is a list of holidays, significant events, and dates, shown in a convenient order for the preparation of content for stock sites.
Binding to timeline frames
Sometimes when creating an animation it is necessary to perform some actions according to the timeline or, the same, to the current animation frame number. Binding animation to timeline frames in Blender is possible using the built-in Python API.
As an example, let’s make a simple animation which turns one of the letters of any text from lowercase to uppercase in series.
Fighting with gradient aliasing when saving image as JPG
Background with simple gradient can greatly improve the final image. For example, a heart with gradient background looks like significantly better than the same heart with white background.
However, if you need to save such image as JPG, the gradient becomes aliased that fails the impression of the image. That problem is named “banding”. Is it possible to defeat the gradient aliasing?
Fighting with gradient aliasing when saving image as JPGRead More »
PartitionRender add-on v.0.0.5
Add-on PartitionRender v.0.0.5 update.
- Added “SaveMultilayer” checkbox
If the checkbox is on – temporary render results are saved in OpenEXR Multilayer format including all layers and passes for future use. Only finished image compiles automatically, different passes need to compile manually.

How to copy a single modifier to multiple objects
Sometimes it is necessary to add a single modifier to each part of some complex object. The easiest way is to cycle part by part through all the object and add the desired modifier to each its part manually. But if the object consists of many parts, it will take a lot of time.
There are some ways to greatly facilitate this work:
How to copy a single modifier to multiple objectsRead More »
Are you still starting with the default cube?
Think for a moment – how many real scenes you created really with using that default cube?

Not much, right? But all the same, each time starting a clear scene, you press: x – delete. Again. And again. Let’s put on white magician gloves and once for all escape this nonsensical action:
Combining color and clay renders
For an effective portfolio demonstration, there is a good practice to show together with the color render the clay render to emphasize scene volume, lighting, models topology, as well as, in the case of photo-realistic rendering, showing scene “3D-essence”. The overlaying of these two renders in the same image could be an even more spectacular trick.