Blender add-on: Wire (for 2.8x) v.1.1.0
Blender add-on Wire (для 2.8x) updated to version 1.1.0.
- Fixed bug with the enabled “Filmic” color correction and color wireframe.
Blender add-on Wire (для 2.8x) updated to version 1.1.0.
Blender add-on for automatically finding and removing duplicates of materials from the scene.
Due to the nodes structure changes in the latest Blender 2.81 release, all open materials in the BIS library have been updated for this version of Blender. Compatibility with younger versions of Blender could be lost (depends on the nodes used in the material).
The button click is basically connected with the operator calling in the Blender user interface. However, some times actions, that need to be performed when a button is pressed, are quite simple and do not require a separate operator for them. And it makes no sense to fill a registered operators stack with a multitude of specific operators designed to perform one highly specialized function. It would be much more convenient to associate a button press with a separate function call but the Blender API allows to associate buttons only with an operator call.
To solve the problem of creating a separate operator for each button we can use the fact that the operator can be called with the input parameters.
Calling functions by pressing buttons in Blender custom UIRead More »
“Wire” is the Blender add-on for the quick and easy creation of wireframe renders.
BIS (Blender Interplanety Storage) updated to v.1.8.2.
“Parametrizer” is the Blender add-on for interactively changing mesh geometry through the customizable parameters.
When making your own custom operators, sometimes it is necessary to pass them certain values – execute operator with parameters.
The passed parameter must be defined as an operator property.
The BIS (Blender Interplanety Storage) library already has over 500 open public materials available for users.
Blender 3D add-on template generator
This script generates the initial template for the Blender add-ons development.