
Disabling autozoom when switching to the local view

When entering the object’s local view mode by pressing the “/” key in the viewport window, zooming is automatically turned on so that the selected object occupies the entire window space. However, this is not always convenient.

To disable auto-zoom in local view mode:

  • open the “Preferences” window
  • switch to the “Key Map” tab
  • type “local view” in the search field
  • expand the found shortcodes and uncheck “Frame Selected” checkboxes

Now, when switching to isolated mode, auto-zoom will not turn on.

How to apply modifier on selected objects

To apply an object modifier with the Blender Python API we can use the “bpy.ops.object.modifier_apply” operator. However, it processes only the active object.

If we need to apply a modifier, for example – Subdivision Surface, to several selected objects, we need to make each of them active, and then call the “modifier_apply” operator.