Blender add-on: Blaster
Blaster – the Blender 3D add-on for quickly and easily creating blaster and magic beams.
Blaster – the Blender 3D add-on for quickly and easily creating blaster and magic beams.
Hello, blender Users,
Happy to announce the new plugin for blender To-Do Tasks Manager Pro,
an advanced version of To-Do Task Manager.
Early Access To-Do Tasks Pro BETA – Landing for Blender 2.91 !
To make our retopology process faster and easier, the scene environment may be slightly adjusted.
First, let’s enable snapping, set “Face” mode, and enable snapping to “Active” in the “Snapping With” section.
Also, check the “Backface Culling” checkbox so that the active retopology points do not magnetize to the backside of the processed mesh.
Setting up the scene environment for convenient retopologyRead More »
The “wm.context_toggle” operator is used to toggle checkboxes in the Blender interface. We can configure fast switching of any checkboxes in any windows and panels with this operator.
As an example, let’s configure the checkbox which enables/disables displaying the viewport wireframe.
To get the currently active brush in “Sculpt” mode with the Blender Python API we can use the following command:
1 2 3 |
bpy.context.tool_settings.sculpt.brush #['SculptDraw'] |
The “Front Faces Only” checkbox in Sculpt mode for the currently active brush can be quickly toggled with the assigned keyboard shortcut.
By Victor Mukayev
How to assign a shortcut to toggle the Front Faces Only checkbox in Sculpt modeRead More »
To manipulate an object with an armature, if we only need to ensure that a bone has a full influence on it, we can snap the object not to the whole armature, but directly to the desired bone.
Blender add-on “NodeTree Source” updated to v. 1.1.0.