UV-Int add-on v.1.0.1
Blender add-on “UV-Int” v.1.0.1 update.
Added the ability to seam a UV-Map along the edges, without “blasting” the points on the cutting line.
Blender add-on “UV-Int” v.1.0.1 update.
Added the ability to seam a UV-Map along the edges, without “blasting” the points on the cutting line.
It is convenient to use the following system for debugging developing multi-file Blender add-ons. But it has one drawback: modules imported in __init__.py file becomes available only after the file running (after the execution of the register() function). This means that any access to the imported modules before they are registered will cause an error. This is not critical in most cases, but it will cause a problem if, for example, in one imported module is used inheritance from the class, described in the other imported module, because the classes descriptions are processed before the add-on registration.
To get more freedom working with imported modules, we can use another way to debug the add-on – do not run the add-on directly from the development directory, but install it in Blender and check its “live” work. However, manual add-on reinstallation requires a set of routine actions, which complicates such sort of debugging. This issue can be solved by reinstalling the add-on in automatic mode.
Debugging multifile Blender add-on by quick reinstallRead More »
Blender add-ons installation and uninstallation can be managed through the python API. Use the following commands in a script:
To deactivate the add-on:
1 |
bpy.ops.wm.addon_disable(module = 'add-on name') |
To uninstall the add-on:
1 |
bpy.ops.wm.addon_remove(module = 'add-on name') |
How to install and uninstall Blender add-on via python APIRead More »
Blender add-on with some extended functionality for working with UV-Maps.
Add-on is free and open-source. If you want to support it – you can buy the add-on for a convenient price, or set the price to 0 to download it for free.
New mesh Custom Property can be created through the Blender python API by executing the following code:
1 |
bpy.data.objects['object_name']['property_name'] = property_value |
After executing this command, the new property will be created and will be available in the Properties window – Object panel – Custom Properties sub-panel.
Like any object custom properties, the created property has a number of parameters that can be accessed by clicking the Edit button. These parameters can also be changed through the API.
Mesh Custom Properties editing through the Blender APIRead More »
Active (selected) UV-Map:
1 |
bpy.context.active_object.data.uv_layers.active |
Access to the active UV-Map by its name:
1 |
bpy.context.active_object.data.uv_layers['UVMap'] |
In order to achieve the desired texture mapping on the object surface, we need a convenient tool for manipulating the texture coordinates. Especially for procedural textures mapped to the object without using UV-s.
The “Mapping” node combines tools for texture moving, rotating and scaling is suitable for most of the texturing tasks. But sometimes its power is not enough. Its major drawback is that it allows setting adjustment values only in certain fields within the node body. These fields have no inputs and cannot be connected to the other nodes.
However, we can implement the required functionality devoid of the “Mapping” node lack with the help of some other nodes. Let’s consider how to build a node tree to rotate the texture around the Z-axis of the object by a random value.
Changed the domain zone.
New site URL: https://b3d.interplanety.org
Redirecting from the old domain will still work for a while.
One of the distinguishing Blender features is that many things can be performed in various ways, choosing the most convenient and fastest for your taste. For example, a screw can be created not only by drawing the profile of its teeth. Let’s try an alternative way: