
How to make node connections in Blender 2.8 not straight, but curving as before

In Blender 2.8 node connectors in the “Shader Editor” window are straight by default, unlike earlier versions, where they bent curving. To return the usual connections bend, change the following settings:

  • Open the “Preferences” window
  • Switch to “Themes”
  • Expand the “Node Editor” tree branch
  • In the “Node Curving” field, set the value greater than 0. 0 means straight lines, the larger – the greater bend. A value of 4 corresponds to the bend that was in Blender 2.7x versions.

Vertex selection fine tuning in Blender 2.8x

In Blender 2.79, mesh vertices were highlighted in the “tweak” selection mode by holding down the “shift” key and a slight cursor movement with the right mouse button pressed. This allows quickly add vertexes to the selection without aiming each vertex with sniper accuracy.

In Blender 2.8x, this method has become unavailable due to the left click selection change. For those users who remained on “the right click select”, nothing has changed, everything works as before. The “tweak” selection was broken only for those who switched to the left click selection.

To use the “tweak” selection with the left click select, you need to make the following changes into the keyboard shortcut settings:

Custom property

The Blender API provides a set of simple property types described in bpy.props (IntProperty, BoolProperty, etc.). But the basic types are not always enough, sometimes we need more complex ones. The Blender API allows to group simple properties to make complex properties.

Let’s consider such complex property creation and make the 3×3 matrix property as an example.

How to link a new object to a scene in Blender 2.80 Python API

In Blender 2.79 Python API we can add a new object to a scene with:

If we try to do this in Blender 2.80, it throws an error:

‘bpy_prop_collection’ object has no attribute ‘link’

In Blender 2.80 API new objects mast be linked not to the scene, but to the scene collections:

To link a new object to the active scene collection:

To link a new object to the collection by its name: