Why you need to pay for an add-on

It’s simple. When paying for the add-on, you are not paying for the add-on you are buying. This add-on is already written. The developer has already spent his time and strength on it. About this particular add-on – there is completely no difference will it be paid or not. So, why to pay? You pay for the future. You pay for the add-ons that the developer writes now and will write in the future. If the addon is bought, the developer has the opportunity to continue development. If not, he will do something else, and you will not receive new add-ons, as well as enhancement and porting to future platforms existed. When paying for an add-on, you provide, first of all – for yourself, the opportunity to receive new add-ons and technical support for the old ones. Pay for add-ons and donate for free – this will benefit yourself!

Assigning custom properties to vertexes

Working with mesh geometry, it may be necessary to assign each vertex some custom properties or data that must be written to the blend-file when saved, and which must be accessed later.

However, an attempt to assign the necessary data to the vertexes through the creation of custom properties fails. Instead of the custom vertex property, only a tuple with reference to the type of the property is created.

How to split and join Blender interface windows thruough the python API

A set of operators is provided in Blender for manipulating with the location of its interface windows.

To split the current window (using the current context) into two in a specified ratio, we need to execute the following operator:


  • direction – set the splitting direction (‘HORIZONTAL’ or ‘VERTICAL’)
  • factor – percentage ratio of splitting windows