Creating procedural caution stripes material
Creating procedural caution stripes material in Blender by Ryan King Art.
Creating procedural caution stripes material in Blender by Ryan King Art.
To execute an operator from a context that was not intended for it correctly, it is necessary to override the context for it using bpy.context.temp_override.() selected objects. However, using temp_override, we can override not only the context of the operator call, but also, for example, the stack of selected objects.
Overriding the selected objects list for the transform.translate operatorRead More »
Mesh vertices don’t have a “color” property. Vertex colors specified by coloring in Vertex Paint mode or any other way are stored in an attribute – a separate list of values. To select a vertex by the color assigned to it in an attribute, we need to associate the attribute’s index with the vertex index.
Creating procedural desert camouflage material in Blender by Ryan King Art.
The common icons used in the UI and operators are packed inside Blender, and therefore we cannot edit or add new icons without a complete recompile of Blender. Icons for toolbars are not tied to the Blender assembly, they are stored in separate files, and we can replace or create and add new toolbar icons.
The ID of the tool icons correspond to the names of the files in which they are stored and they can be obtained simply by looking in the appropriate Blender folder. However, icon IDs can also be obtained through the Blender Python API with the help ot the ToolSelectPanelHelper class.
In Blender version 2.8x and later, a new toolbar has appeared, located in the 3D viewport area on the left side. We can create custom tools and add them to this panel using the Blender Python API.
By default, all objects in Blender are sized in the same units. However, for convenience, we can use the adaptive metric – small objects will show sizes in centimeters and millimeters, large objects – in meters and kilometers.
Creating procedural tile floor material in Blender by Ryan King Art.