
Normally about normals

Tutorial about normal maps.

By Michael Soluyanov


  • 0:08 Check yourself: try to find a mistake
  • 0:34 What is Normal?
  • 1:12 What is the difference between DirectX and OpenGL normal maps?
  • 2:05 How to use DirectX normal maps in Blender?
  • 2:26 Invert normal maps on inverted polygons
  • 2:53 Bonus

Assigning custom properties to vertexes

Working with mesh geometry, it may be necessary to assign each vertex some custom properties or data that must be written to the blend-file when saved, and which must be accessed later.

However, an attempt to assign the necessary data to the vertexes through the creation of custom properties fails. Instead of the custom vertex property, only a tuple with reference to the type of the property is created.

Custom property

The Blender API provides a set of simple property types described in bpy.props (IntProperty, BoolProperty, etc.). But the basic types are not always enough, sometimes we need more complex ones. The Blender API allows to group simple properties to make complex properties.

Let’s consider such complex property creation and make the 3×3 matrix property as an example.