Creating Custom UI Panels in Blender
When writing add-ons for Blender, it is important to place UI elements – buttons, fields, switches, etc., so that the user can easily find them and have convenient access to them. Blender provides to add-on developers the following areas to place their custom UI:
Distributing objects on a plane without intersections with Blender Geometry Nodes
To distribute objects with Blender Geometry Nodes, the “Distribute Points on Faces” node is usually used. It produces a set of points randomly scattered over the surface of the mesh polygons. Next, the necessary objects are located at these points. In common case, these points are located randomly, and the objects located on them can intersect with each other if the points are close. However, we can configure the nodes so that the meshes located on the points will not intersect.
Distributing objects on a plane without intersections with Blender Geometry NodesRead More »
Mixing maps in Blender
In order to mix two normal or bump maps in Blender shader so that they overlap as required, we need to correctly connect their nodes in the Node Editor.
Bordered font in Blender Geometry Nodes
With Blender Geometry Nodes, we can quickly turn an ordinary font into an interesting font with the spectacular border. The main assistant in creating such a font will be the Extrude node.
Quick connecting parameters with the animation frames
To quickly associate any variable mesh parameter with animation frames, we just need to type #frame in the parameter field. Then, when scrolling the animation timeline, the value of this parameter will be equal to the current frame number.
Quick connecting parameters with the animation framesRead More »
Parent collection
In the Blender Python API, a collection does not have a direct pointer to its parent collection. However, we can get the parent collection by searching through the list of children of each collection in the scene until we find the current one.
Filtering values available for selection through the UILayout.prop()
When creating custom properties, the values of which the user can choose from a list, it is often necessary to filter the list of values offered for selection. We can use the poll function to shorten the proposed list of values by removing unwanted elements.
Filtering values available for selection through the UILayout.prop()Read More »
Showing text in the area header in Blender
When executing modal operators such as rotation, translation, or scale, text with the current values of the mesh parameters being changed is displayed in the header of the current area. If necessary, we can display any required text in the area header.