How to randomly shift texture on objects
To shift the texture randomly on different objects, the easiest way is to change its location along any of the axes by a random value.
To shift the texture randomly on different objects, the easiest way is to change its location along any of the axes by a random value.
To change the camera height in the “walk/fly” mode in the 3D Viewport window (enables with shift + ` keycode), you need to on the “Gravity” checkbox in the “Preferences” window – “Navigation” and tune the height with the “View Height” parameter.
To enable gradient background in the “3D View” window you need:
To orient the “3D Viewport” window to be parallel to the selected polygon you need to press the following keycode:
shift + Num 7
When you make a button in a custom UI to call the operator with passing the necessary parameters to it, pay attention that only the parameters specified explicitly will be sent to the operator. Other operator parameters will remain with default values.
For example, we need to execute the “transform_apply” operator – applying object transformations with applying just the scale.
If we call the operator as follows:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 |
class TESTPANEL_PT_panel(Panel): bl_idname = 'TESTPANEL_PT_panel' bl_label = 'Testpanel' bl_space_type = 'VIEW_3D' bl_region_type = 'UI' bl_category = 'Testpanel' def draw(self, context): self.layout.operator('context.object.transform_apply', text='Apply Scale').scale = True |
But all transformation (scale, rotation, and position) will still be applied to the object.
Sometimes, to effectively distribute the hardware load it is necessary to make a render from Blender only on certain video cards of several of them.
To do this we can use a simple script in which specify the numbers of devices to be used for rendering.
Render from console only on the specified GPU devicesRead More »
BIS (Blender Interplanety Storage) updated to v.1.8.3.