Changing the current coordinate system in Blender Python API

In Blender 2.7 the current coordinate system could be changed through the

property. In Blender 2.8 coordinate system access moved to the scene collection of “TransformOrientatiosSlots” objects. To get or set the current coordinate system the “transform_orientation_slots” collection is used.

Fast moving modifiers in the stack

The “shift+r” key combination, which repeats a perfect action, works not only with editing a mesh but also with the Blender interface. For example, with this key shot, we can simply move the modifier in the modifier stack up and down, without hunting the runaway arrows.

Simple rotation around edge

It is difficult to rotate mesh polygons around an edge if this edge is not parallel to the global X, Y, or Z axis — we need to switch to the edge local coordinate system, fix axes, and then rotate polygons about these axes. However, this can be done easier and faster – position the viewport parallel to one of the edges local axis and perform a rotation by simply pressing the “r” key.

To quickly rotate polygons around the edge:

  • switch to the “by Active Element” mode,
  • select geometry to rotate
  • next select the edge, around which you want to rotate the geometry. Selected last it becomes an active element,
  • press shift + Num1 (Num3 or Num7) to set the viewport parallel to one of the edge axes,
  • rotate geometry by pressing the “r” button.