Blender add-on: Print to Python Console
Blender 3D add-on for redirecting the print output and the error messages to the Python Console window. Yon don’t need to switch to the system console to check outputs now.
Blender add-on “B-Presets” v. 1.1.0.
Blender add-on “B-Presets” updated to v. 1.1.0.
- Excluded the name of the Scene
- Added active view_layer settings (optional)
- Added saving curves from Color management
Electron microscope organic surface shader for Blender Eevee render engine
Creating an organic shader to emulate an electron microscope look for Blender EEVEE render engine tutorials.
By Vitaly Sokol
Setting operator parameters features
When you make a button in a custom UI to call the operator with passing the necessary parameters to it, pay attention that only the parameters specified explicitly will be sent to the operator. Other operator parameters will remain with default values.
For example, we need to execute the “transform_apply” operator – applying object transformations with applying just the scale.
If we call the operator as follows:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 |
class TESTPANEL_PT_panel(Panel): bl_idname = 'TESTPANEL_PT_panel' bl_label = 'Testpanel' bl_space_type = 'VIEW_3D' bl_region_type = 'UI' bl_category = 'Testpanel' def draw(self, context): self.layout.operator('context.object.transform_apply', text='Apply Scale').scale = True |
But all transformation (scale, rotation, and position) will still be applied to the object.
Render from console only on the specified GPU devices
Sometimes, to effectively distribute the hardware load it is necessary to make a render from Blender only on certain video cards of several of them.
To do this we can use a simple script in which specify the numbers of devices to be used for rendering.
Render from console only on the specified GPU devicesRead More »
FLIP Fluids add-on overview
Overview of the Blender “FLIP Fluids” add-on for simulating fluids version 1.0.8a.
by Pavel Blend