Text along curve with Blender Geometry Nodes
Bending text along a curve is one of the spectacular techniques for creating various unusual and interesting inscriptions. In Blender, this can be done using Geometry Nodes.
Bending text along a curve is one of the spectacular techniques for creating various unusual and interesting inscriptions. In Blender, this can be done using Geometry Nodes.
Stylish Suzanne made with Stable Diffusion by BLENDER SUSHI ULTRA 24/7 – Blend AI Peace 4 All
Blender Geometry Nodes has a number of nodes for working with text strings. There are nodes that allow us to convert numbers into text, and replace substrings in a text string. As an example, let’s implement a “countdown” from ten to zero words.
Focal lock for Blender 2.79 – a fork of the original “Focal lock” add-on to work with Blender 2.79.
With Blender Geometry Nodes, we can fill the curve with the required number of objects. We can also make the fill a little more interesting by changing the size of the fill objects randomly.
Filling a curve with random size objects on Blender Geometry NodesRead More »
In some cases, it may be necessary to determine whether a certain object is currently visible in the 3D viewport area in Blender or not. We can determine the visibility of an object in a viewport with the Blender Python API using the location_3d_to_region_2d function of the view3d_utils module.
Checking object visibility in the 3D Viewport areaRead More »