Creating procedural oxidized bronze material in Blender
Creating procedural oxidized bronze material in Blender by Ryan King Art.
Creating procedural oxidized bronze material in Blender by Ryan King Art.
One of the methods for mesh analytics is exploring its triangulated geometry. For example, such exploration is used when searching for polygons that overlaps in the mesh itself or in its UV. In order to return the result obtained after analyzing the triangulated mesh back to the original mesh, we need to know the exact correspondence between the original polygon and the triangles created from it.
Polygons and triangles correspondence after triangulating a mesh in BlenderRead More »
Starting with Blender 4.2, the Capture Attribute node has changed in functionality. If earlier this node always had only one “Value” input and only one “Attribute” output, intended for recording attributes, in addition to the standard geometry socket, then starting with version 4.2, the number of inputs/outputs for recording attributes has been made dynamic.
Working with inputs and outputs for the Capture Attribute Node in Blender Geometry NodesRead More »
Creating procedural realistic glass material in Blender by Ryan King Art.
It is often necessary to select all the boundary edges of a mesh – edges that are on the outer perimeter of the mesh, or located around areas of the mesh that are not filled by polygons. This operation can be performed by the user from the 3D Viewport menu: Select – Select Loops – Select Boundary Loop.
Selecting edges on the boundaries of a mesh in BlenderRead More »
Creating procedural egg material in Blender by Ryan King Art.
The Blender distribution includes several basic HDRI light maps that we can select from the “Shading” menu of the 3D Viewport area and use to set up fast lighting in the Material Preview or Rendering modes.