Creating procedural Christmas candy material in Blender
Creating procedural Christmas candy material in Blender by Ryan King Art.
Creating procedural Christmas candy material in Blender by Ryan King Art.
To create line-based renderings, such as blueprints or 3D to 2D stylizations, an additional “Freestyle” render engine is usually used with the main render engine. Edges that should be clearly outlined in the final render must be marked as “freestyle” so that the Freestyle render engine can process them.
Working with mesh edges marked for rendering using the Freestyle render engineRead More »
We can export any mesh from Blender to a file in OBJ format by selecting it and pressing the following items from the main menu: FIle – Export – Wavefront (.obj). If we need to split the scene into objects and export each of them to OBJ, this process can be easily automated.
Creating procedural quartz rock material in Blender by Ryan King Art.
In order to quickly “recalculate the normals” – change the direction of the normals so that they are all directed towards the outer surface of the mesh, using the Blender Python API, we can create a script consisting of just a few lines of code.
Recalculating mesh normals using the Blender Python APIRead More »
One of the popular methods for speeding up rendering 3D scenes is to use LOD – Level Of Details. When using LOD, objects close to the camera have the highest detail, midgrounds have medium detail, and backgrounds objects are very rough and undetailed because they are still almost invisible. Such a scene is rendered much faster than a scene in which all objects have maximum detail.
Blender add-on “M-Cleaner” updated to v. 1.4.0.
Creating procedural hanging paper lanterns using Geometry Nodes in Blender by Ryan King Art.