
Enabling the Bloom effect in Blender 4.2

In Blender 4.1 and earlier versions, the diffuse glow effect for the EEVEE render engine was simply enabled by checking the special “Bloom” checkbox in the Properties panel on the Render Properties tab. In Blender 4.2, due to the upgrading to the new version of the EEVEE-Next render engine, this tab was removed, and now we can’t enable or disable the bloom effect with one button.

Control-net template images generator for creating AI images

Control-net is one of the tools for simplifying image creation using neural networks / AI image generators. Control-net allows specifying a source image, on the basis of which the neural network will create a new generative image, preserving the general form and content taken from the specified source. The “Character bones that look like Openpose” scene for Blender allows quickly create such source images for further use in the AI ​​generation workflows.

Placing Max/Min socket controls of geometry node on the user panel

In order to display the value of a socket on the Geometry Nodes modifier panel in Blender, we simply need to create a link and connect the desired socket of the desired node with an empty socket on the Group Input node. After this, a field appears in the modifier panel in which we can change the value of the desired socket. We can then place this field on the user panel by accessing it as a dynamic property.