Blender autocomplete modules

Nutti, the author of the “fake-bpy-modules” project, has made the installation of the Blender Python API autocomplete modules through the pip platform. Pip installation is faster and easier, but sometimes we just need to copy the autocomplete modules to our project but now they are not included in the Nutti’s GitHub.

Copies of the autocomplete modules for Blender versions 2.79 and 2.80 can be downloaded directly from here:


How to get global vertex coordinates

To get the vertex coordinates in the scene global coordinate system when the object’s scale was not applied, we need to multiply the local vertex coordinates by the object world transformation matrix:

Class naming conventions in Blender 2.8 Python API

In Blender 2.8 API the requirements for the class and their identifiers naming are becoming tougher. The class name must match the following convention:

Where the {SEPARATOR} is two letters denoting the class belonging to a certain type (from which type the class is inherited):

  • HT – Header
  • MT – Menu
  • OT – Operator
  • PT – Panel
  • UL – UI list

The class identifier “bl_idname” mast match the class name.

How to return the familiar selection mode from Blender 2.7 in Blender 2.8

In Blender 2.8 the selection mode has been changed. The “select all” command is still mapped to pressing the “a” key, but the “deselect all” command in Blender 2.8 is now mapped to a double-click of the “a” key or to the “alt + a” key combination. However, it is easy to return the familiar selection mode from Blender 2.7 – selecting and deselecting all by pressing one “a” key.

To do this, in the “Preferences” window in the “Keymap” section type “” in the search field. In the search results in the “Object mode” section in the line with “a” key snapping set the “Toggle” value to the “Action” parameter.

This will return the familiar selection in object mode.