How to get the render pixels coordinates in compositing
When fine-tuning the finished render in “Compositing”, sometimes it is necessary to refer to the pixels coordinates of the processed image, for example, to apply effects distributed over the entire width or height of the image.
We can get the distribution factor of coordinates along with the height or width of the rendered image using texture nodes.
How to get the render pixels coordinates in compositingRead More »
Blender fonts
Blender uses two fonts:
- Blender Mono I18n
- DejaVu Sans
The “Blender Mono I18n” font is used in the Blender interface – menus, panels, and the Python Console.
Blender 2.83.7 LTS release
The Blender 2.83.7 LTS release is enabled for downloading on the official Blender site.
9 bugs fixed in this version.
How to delete object from scene through the Blender Python API
To completely remove the object from the scene through the Blender Python API do the following:
Open the “Text Editor” window.
How to delete object from scene through the Blender Python APIRead More »
How to show all available nodes
We can get a list of all available shader nodes by their type.
To start, add any object to the scene, for example, a cube, create material for it, and delete all nodes. Here, in this material, we will display all the shader nodes available in Blender.
Blender 2.90.1 official release
The Blender 2.90.1 release is enabled for downloading on the official Blender site.
How to check the list of operators added to the area header
To add an operator to the area header, we can use the “append” and “prepend” functions specifying in its parameters the drawing function of the operator call button.
For example, to add an operator of adding the default cube to the header of the viewport (3D View) area, we need to define the operator drawing function:
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def cube_add_fnc(self, context): self.layout.operator('mesh.primitive_cube_add', text='', icon='MESH_CUBE') |
and add it to the window header:
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bpy.types.VIEW3D_HT_header.prepend(cube_add_fnc) |
The operator button will appear in the header of the viewport window.
Now we can view a list of all the functions that add operators to the area header by the “_draw_funcs” property of the “draw” method.
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bpy.types.VIEW3D_HT_header.draw._draw_funcs # [<function cube_add_fnc at 0x000000000FC8B8B8>, <function VIEW3D_HT_header.draw at 0x000000000F9C0678>, <function draw_pause at 0x0000000011633A68>] |
Note that the “_draw_funcs” property would be defined only if custom operators have been added to the area header. If custom operators were not added to the header, an error will be thrown:
AttributeError: ‘function’ object has no attribute ‘_draw_funcs’