Creating procedural material of Solar Panels
Creating procedural Solar Panels material by Ryan King Art.
Creating procedural Solar Panels material by Ryan King Art.
Blender add-on “Area Switcher” updated to v. 1.3.0.
In Blender, we can add custom items to any context menu, called by pressing the right mouse button, to quickly execute the necessary operators.
In order to append the necessary meshes into the scene by name from an external blend file, we can use the wm.append operator or use the BlendDataLibraries mechanism.
Appending objects into the scene by name from an external blend fileRead More »
In order to make an inversion of the boolean value: invert 1 to 0 and 0 back to 1, we only need to use two Math nodes in the Blender node editor.
We can quickly transfer the local coordinate system from one object to another by joining and next separating them, or by performing the “Align to Transform Orientation” operation with the “Affect only Origins” option turned on.
Transferring the local coordinate system from one object to anotherRead More »
To select all objects in a collection with the Blender Python API, we need to walk through the list of these objects and call the “select_set” method for each of them, specifying the “True” value in the parameter.
Blender is developing intensively and new versions of the program are released quite quickly. In this case, compatibility often suffers – when we open a project created in earlier versions of Blender, it can be opened not correctly. Sometimes this happens because Blender stores all user interface (UI) settings and options in every .blend file. Opening a project with the Load UI option unchecked can help.
In this case, Blender only loads the project itself, without any UI settings that may have changed in the current version.