Blender 3D

Operators with undo (Ctrl + z) and without

Defining operators, we most often provide for the ability to undo the action they performed – if after executing the operator the user presses the Ctrl + z key combination, all the effects of the operator on the scene should be canceled. However, in some cases, it may be necessary to define an operator that will be ignored if the user tries to undo its actions. Blender’s API allows us to create both types of operators by simply specifying the ability or prohibition of undo in their parameters.

Custom Icons for EnumProperty in Blender

We can use custom icons, icons loaded from external files, and not embedded in Blender libraries, for example, to add customization to operator call buttons in UI panels. However, it is not only buttons that may require custom icons. Using the Blender Python API, we can add customization to drop-down list items or switches that are created based on the EnumProperty type.

Enabling the Bloom effect in Blender 4.2

In Blender 4.1 and earlier versions, the diffuse glow effect for the EEVEE render engine was simply enabled by checking the special “Bloom” checkbox in the Properties panel on the Render Properties tab. In Blender 4.2, due to the upgrading to the new version of the EEVEE-Next render engine, this tab was removed, and now we can’t enable or disable the bloom effect with one button.