Blender 3D
Sorting materials in material slots alphabetically
To sort the list of materials in the object’s material slots in Blender in the desired way, for example, alphabetically, we can use the function we created earlier to switch materials in material slots.
Sorting materials in material slots alphabeticallyRead More »
Creating procedural damaged glass material in Blender
Creating procedural damaged glass material in Blender by PIXXO 3D.
Moving a material from one object material slot to another in Blender
To move a material from one material slot to another, we can click the up or down arrow button in the object’s material panel. In this case, the material in the currently selected slot will move up (or down) by one position. This method of moving and sorting materials is very slow and not very convenient.
Moving a material from one object material slot to another in BlenderRead More »
Selecting objects hidden behind each other
One of the most common problems in modeling is how to quickly switch to an object (select it) if the object is hidden behind another object. In most cases, this requires a number of actions, for example – switching to the wireframe display mode, selecting the hidden object, with accurately hitting the edge by the mouse, and, finally, returning to the solid display mode.
Creating procedural wavy marble material in Blender
Creating procedural wavy marble material in Blender от Ryan King Art.
Passing values from Blender Geometry Nodes to other scene objects
Using drivers, we can pass values to the Blender Geometry Nodes tree that cannot be obtained from nodes, for example, the total number of frames in a project animation. However, there are cases when a value needs to be passed from Geometry Nodes to some property of an object not related to GN. In this case, drivers can also help us.
Passing values from Blender Geometry Nodes to other scene objectsRead More »
Selecting and deselecting in bmesh only by vertices
In order to completely select or deselect the entire mesh, it is not enough to change the selection only for its vertices, we also need to change the selection for the edges and polygons of the mesh.
Selecting and deselecting in bmesh only by verticesRead More »