
BIS: Pro- account

The BIS library is free and fully accessible for all users. Any content (materials or meshes) from the open part of the library can be downloaded by any user without any restrictions. So why do you need a pro- account?

At first, this is a way to support the project. Like any other free project, BIS needs the user’s support. However, the BIS pro- account is not only a status attachment. The pro-status does not provide any additional content, but it allows you to make your pipeline with BIS more convenient.

Pro-account users have the following advantages:

Using Microsoft Visual Studio Code as external IDE for writing Blender scripts/add-ons

Blender has its own built-in text editor for writing scripts and add-ons, but it’s much convenient to develop them in external IDEs that provide the user with more features such as autocomplete, syntax highlighting, integration with version control systems and other tools that make development faster and easier.

One of these IDEs is Visual Studio Code from Microsoft. This is a free universal environment that supports development with various programming languages, including the Blender API language – Python.