Selecting and deselecting in bmesh only by vertices
In order to completely select or deselect the entire mesh, it is not enough to change the selection only for its vertices, we also need to change the selection for the edges and polygons of the mesh.
Selecting and deselecting in bmesh only by verticesRead More »
Creating procedural wood plank material in Blender
Creating procedural wood plank material in Blender by Ryan King Art.
Displaying scene grid for reference images
When modeling “by reference”, it is sometimes necessary for the 3D scene grid to be displayed on top of the reference image. This makes it easier to snapping and relate the model being built to the scene as a whole.
How to get a partial transform matrix from an existing one
When rotating or moving an object using transformation matrices, in some cases we need to be able to extract a part of it from the entire rotation/movement. For example, when rotating an object by 180 degrees, we need to rotate it not at once, but in several steps, each time rotating it by 30 degrees. Linear interpolation of matrices can help us with this.
How to get a partial transform matrix from an existing oneRead More »
Creating procedural layered rock material in Blender
Creating procedural layered rock material in Blender by Ryan King Art.
Comparing vectors
In order to compare two vectors – to determine whether both vectors point to the same place, we need to compare the coordinates of both vectors and if they are equal, then the vectors are also equal. However, the coordinates of the vectors are specified by float values, the comparison of which for equality, due to the peculiarities of storing this type in computer memory, is never accurate.
Creating a circle by three points in Blender
From the math course, we know that only one circle can be drawn through any three points in space. So, if we have three points in a Blender scene, defined by the coordinates V0 (x0, y0, z0), V1 (x1, y1, z1), and V2 (x2, y2, z2), let’s see how we can construct a circle that passes through these three points.