Edit Source

For those who want to know “how Blender works” to write their own scripts and add-ons, the developers have provided a very convenient option – the ability to view any element source code in a single click.

To see the source code of any element: open the “Text Editor” window; then simply click on the desired element with the right mouse button and select “Edit Source”.

Coffee Run

Blender Animation Studio released a new open short animated film “Coffee Run”.

The girl recalls her life over a coffee cup.

The animation is made in the 3D graphical editor “Blender”.

Objects pointers brokes if undo/redo operation is used

In Blender 2.8x the undo/redo operation system (ctrl+z / ctrl+shift+z) has been completely rebuilt. One of the results of this API change is when the undo operation is performed, all objects in the scene are fully recreated – the current object is destroyed, and a completely new object is created instead. Pointers to the old objects (before the undo operation) now point to invalid objects that can no longer be used.

Add-ons reload through the F8 key shot

Add-ons are not reloaded by pressing the F8 key in the Preferences – Add-ons window in Blender 2.83. The add-ons reload function call with this key shot was no longer tied starting with Blender 2.80.

To bind the add-ons reloading to the F8 key shot again:

  1. Open the “Preferences” window
  2. Open the the “Keymap” section
  3. Expand the “Screen – Screen (Global)” branch
  4. Press the “Add new” button at the bottom of the list
  5. In the operator identifier field, type “script.reload”
  6. Click on the keyboard field and press F8 to bind this key to the specified operator call
  7. Press the “Save Preferences” button to save new settings