Creating procedural abstract honeycomb sphere animation in Blender using Geometry Nodes
Creating procedural abstract honeycomb sphere animation in Blender using Geometry Nodes by Ryan King Art.
Creating procedural abstract honeycomb sphere animation in Blender using Geometry Nodes by Ryan King Art.
To get the current active object in a Blender scene, we usually use the context and its context.object (or context.active_object) property. Similarly, when working with the interface, we can access the context to get the currently active property – the value of the field in the Blender UI over which we hover the cursor or on which we clicked with the mouse. The value is used for this.
Getting the active property value in Blender using contextRead More »
When we assign or change the name of an object in Blender, we work at the object level. However, all objects also have a data block – a pointer to the actual object data, which also have names. The name of the data block can be seen by clicking on the corner arrow to the left of the object name in the outliner.
Quickly renaming data blocks to match object names in BlenderRead More »
Creating procedural icy snow material in Blender by Ryan King Art.
When we work with the bmesh object through the Blender Python API to create new geometry, all created vertices receive an index equal to -1. Although we can fully interact and control the created vertices, the lack of a numbered index can make it somewhat difficult to perceive the geometry and debug the code.
Assigning real indices to vertices created in bmeshRead More »
In most cases, UV elements (vertices, edges, faces, islands) can be freely moved anywhere in the UV Edit area. However, sometimes it is undesirable to move the UV beyond the boundaries of the base UV borders, for example, to ensure that the UV does not “move away” when baking it into atlases.
Blocking the UV elements from moving beyond the UV area boundariesRead More »
Creating procedural grippy knurled material in Blender by Ryan King Art.
When defining custom operators in Blender, we can make them cancellable and uncancellable by specifying the “UNDO” value in the “bl_options” parameter of the operator. But what if we need to exclude an existing operator, for example, a system operator, from the undo queue? This is very easy to do by redefining the operator with our own, without specifying “UNDO” in its parameters.
Making a cancellable operator in Blender uncancellableRead More »