
Filtering values ​​available for selection through the UILayout.prop()

When creating custom properties, the values ​​of which the user can choose from a list, it is often necessary to filter the list of values ​​offered for selection. We can use the poll function to shorten the proposed list of values by removing unwanted elements.

Adding the “Purge” button to the 3D Viewport header in Blender

Pressing the “Purge” button cleans the current open scene – removes all unused objects from it (mesh, nodes, materials, textures, etc.). However, this button is located very inconveniently, in the Outliner header and is visible only in the “Orphan Data” Outliner mode. For quick access to this button we can move it to the header of the 3D Viewport.

Searching for nodes by first letters

For quickly finding the desired node in the Node Editor in the search box it is enough to type only the first letters from the node’s name.

This method works both in the shader node editor and in the Geometry Nodes search system.

For example, to search for the “Set Curve Radius” node, it is enough to type only the “SCR” letters in the search field. And to search for the “Principle BSDF” node, just type “PB”.

Creating the same UI panels in different Blender areas with no code duplication

To create several identical UI panels with the same set of fields and buttons in different areas in Blender, the easiest way is to copy the panel code and replace the parameters that determine in which area the panel will be shown.

The main disadvantage of this method is code duplication, which can make difficulties in the future – when editing panels, changes must be made to each copy of the code, instead of changing it at once for all panels.

Increasing selection speed in Blender

Blender since version 2.80 has experienced a significant slowdown in objects selection in the viewport. This becomes visible when we quickly click in turn on several objects. The selection lag is sometimes so long that some of the clicked objects will not be selected. The cursor has already moved to the next object, and the selection of the current one still did not happen.

The selection delay occurs because by default Blender has the “Box Select” mode enabled in the T-toolbar.